
“Scepter of the Underworld” is an AD&D® game solo adventure designed for Jan Daystar, the 12th-level Fighter described on the opposite page. While this adventure works best with the character provided, you may also use your own character if he or she is of similar level and is similarly equipped.


To avoid becoming lost in the dungeon, you may want to use graph paper to make a map of your travels in this adventure.
D&D 5th Edition Conversion
A level 12 Fighter in 5e has a Proficiency Bonus of +4.
Jan Daystar has 18/50 Strength, which translates to Strength 18 in 5e (+4 modifier).
Magic weapon is a Longsword +3.
Final 5e Attack Bonus Calculation:
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Strength Modifier: +4
Magic Weapon Bonus: +3
Total Attack Bonus: +11
Pathfinder 2nd Edition Conversion
Master proficiency with martial weapons (+2 above level)
Strength modifier (Jan Daystar has STR 18, so +4 modifier)
Weapon Potency Rune (He has a +3 longsword)
Attack Bonus Breakdown
Level: +12
Master Proficiency Bonus: +2
Strength Modifier: +4
Weapon Potency Rune: +3
Final PF2e Attack Bonus: +21
Combat in this solo adventure is run the same as in a normal AD&D game, with initiative being checked each round before combat unless otherwise stated. Most creatures attack on sight and fight to the death, but certain exceptions are noted in the text. The THAC0 score is a being’s base chance to hit AC 0. The THAC0 score for Jan Daystar does not include his strength, magical, or other bonuses to hit; these must be added by the player.
At times, an option to escape from a monster is given in the text. Jan Daystar may attempt to escape only if an option to do so is given, and then only if his movement rate is higher than his foe’s movement rate. A foe always gets one last attack whenever Jan turns to run, with a +2 bonus to its “to hit” roll. For this attack, you must calculate Jan’s armor class as if he had no shield or dexterity bonuses (AC 3 with splinted mail alone).
In this solo adventure, a creature’s magic resistance is the chance that any magic used to attack the creature will not work. Not all creatures have magic resistance, and those that do still get saving throws vs. spells if their magic resistance fails.
Magical armor and weapons act as they do in a normal adventure. Jan’s bag of holding will hold anything he finds in this adventure. His potion of healing heals 4-10 (2d4+2) hp damage when swallowed. Jan may drink it (or any other such potion he finds) at any time. Details on other items (magical or otherwise) are given in the text when they are found. Certain items that Jan may find have been given special numbers (for example: “You find an iron key (23) and a potion of flying (34)”). Be sure to record each item’s number, as you will need to know it later.
You are now ready to begin. Start by reading the “Adventure Background,” then follow the instructions at the end of each section. Remember, the numbered paragraphs will not make sense if read in order.
Adventure Background
You are awakened from a deep slumber by a strange noise. You sit up quickly, listening for the sound to be repeated. Suddenly it comes again – and it originates from the foot of your bed! The noise is a loud squawk from a large black raven perched upon your bedpost. In one of its talons, the raven holds a gold ring which it promptly drops at your feet. With a final squawk, the raven then spreads its wings and flies out an open window.
You pick up the ring to examine it in the light of the sunrise. It is masterfully crafted and set with a ruby the size of your thumbnail. Out of curiosity, you put it on your finger. Suddenly there is a loud POP! and a searing white light momentarily blinds you. When you can see again, you realize that you are no longer in your room, which certainly did not have the stone walls, stone ceiling, and stone floor of your new location.
By the two burning torches that light the room, you can see that it appears to be a reception area. You are sitting in an overstuffed chair, and the ring has disappeared from your finger. A desk stands in front of you, its surface cluttered with papers. Another chair, its back to you, sits on the other side of the desk.
“So nice of you to come, Jan Daystar.” The deep, hollow voice from behind the desk startles you. Your hand flashes to your side for your sword – but you realize that your weapon’s not there! As the chair swings round to face you, you see a figure clad in a flowing black cloak, the large hood pulled forward to obscure the man’s features.
“Don’t be concerned,” your “host” begins easily. “I’m not going to bite you. My name is Alaznist, Arch-Mage of the city of Haillan, and I need your help. Recently, I have learned the location of a powerful artifact known as the Scepter of the Underworld. Eight leagues to the north, in the Bahazmar foothills, there is a long-deserted evil temple that no doubt has become a den for all sorts of creatures. It is there that my researches tell me the Scepter is located. I want you to get it for me, and I am prepared to reward you generously if you succeed. What is your answer, Jan?”
You blink. This is happening very fast. “Scepter? Why would you want the . . .” Your voice fades away as the Arch-Mage says nothing whatsoever. You know you won’t get anything more from him. He has the air of someone far more powerful than you, and you aren’t in a position to question your situation – or his motives. You wonder uncomfortably about how much danger you are in at this moment.
If you agree to go on the quest, go to 1. If you do not accept the mage’s task, go to 53.
Quick Navigation
“Good. Now, I suppose you will be in need of your equipment,” Alaznist says. With a wave of his hand, all of your equipment appears before you in a puff of blue smoke.
“I am prepared to teleport you to the temple’s entrance,” the mage continues. “Once there, you are on your own. As soon as you have the Scepter, you are to take this stick—” he pauses to give you a small carved stick of wood the size of your finger “—and break it, at the same time reciting my name: ‘Alaznist.’ This will bring both you and the Scepter safely back to me. The Scepter is made of black onyx and is carved with the likenesses of many creatures of the underworld. Now, I trust you are ready to go?”
If you are ready to depart on your quest, go to §110. If you wish to ask more questions, go to §105.
The hole seems to be about 40′ deep, and it appears that a flight of stairs once descended into its depths. Below, the hole seems to open out into another hallway. As you have already searched most of the upper level, you feel that the best thing to do would be to explore the area below the hole. go to §19.
You enter a 20′-square room, devoid of all life. There is an archway in the east wall; beyond it is a rubble-choked circular stairway that must have once led up into one of the towers. You find only one thing of interest in the room, a tattered piece of parchment with spidery writing that reads: “Beware the door that watches.” You ponder this cryptic message for a moment, then stuff the parchment into a pouch.
The stairway looks unpromising, so you decide to reenter the first room and make another decision. go to §11.

You find a hidden stud behind one of the rotted wall coverings. As you press the stud, you hear a click and a small, 6″ square panel opens behind the altar. Intrigued, you reach inside the now-revealed compartment and pull out five items: a large aquamarine worth 450 gp, a footman’s mace +2, a red crystal ring, a bronze key (25), and a necklace. You put the gem, ring, mace, and key in your bag of holding.
If you wish to put on the ring, go to §25. If you wish to investigate the necklace, go to §39. To investigate the hole in the floor in front of the dais, go to §2.
You stand at the dead end of a long, 10′-wide hallway running to the west. The smell of rot hangs in the air, and floating toward you is a strange creature. It is a globe, 5′ in diameter. Ten short stalks waver on its top, and one large eye stares at you from the middle of the sphere. The being is currently about 50′ away from you.
If you try to talk to it, go to §20. If you run up to it and attack, go to §34. If you attack with a missile weapon, go to §13.
You hurl a marble at the being, and there is a huge explosion as it hits. Although you were not close enough to the explosion to take damage directly, you are showered with rubble and stones, taking 3-12 hp damage. When the smoke clears, the passageway is two-thirds blocked with rubble, but the being is nowhere to be seen. go to §42.
You turn and run back into the entry room. As soon as you leave the temple sanctuary, the golem resumes its silent vigil behind the altar. You breath a sigh of relief, then step back into the room. But as you do so, the golem animates once again! You quickly retreat to the entry room, and the golem again resumes its place behind the altar.
If you wish to search the temple further, you must first overcome the stone golem. You step back into the sanctuary and prepare to fight. go to §24.
After walking 30′, you come through an archway into a rectangular room 40′ across. The north wall is 30′ away. There is a door at the west end of the north wall, and another door in the center of the east wall. The smell of rot is strong in here, and it gets stronger toward the east. Three human skeletons lie about the chamber, which seems to have once been a dining room.
If you search this room, go to §67. If you exit to the north, go to §22. If you use the eastern exit, go to §14. If you wish to go back to the crossroads and take a different passageway there, return to §115.
You hit the creature — and it explodes with a loud BOOM! that throws dust into the air.
If you hit it on your third shot, the being explodes close enough to you to cause 6-36 hp damage (save vs. wands for half damage). When the dust clears, the being is gone and you can continue down the passageway. go to §42.
The huge stone golem shakes the whole room as it tries to pound you with its fists. You strike the golem repeatedly with your sword, but you don’t seem to be affecting it. You try to dodge the golem by crawling under benches and ducking behind pillars, but the golem simply crashes through the benches. The roof nearly collapses when the golem punches one of the pillars to get at you. Finally, your continued slashes at the golem’s legs pay off, as fractures begin to spread throughout its body. With a tremendous crash, the golem crumbles to the floor, kicking up a cloud of dust. When the dust clears, you can see that the golem will never animate again.
If you wish to investigate the hole in the floor in front of the dais, go to §2. If you decide to search the dais, go to §33.
As you approach the eastern door, you hear a crash from the room beyond. go to §124.
Beyond the door is a short, 10′-long passageway that opens out into a large rectangular room, 40′ east-west by 80′ north-south. Rubble and trash litter the area, but you can still tell that this room used to be a barracks. You hear two deep-throated roars and turn to see a giant, two-headed humanoid standing in the northern section of the room. It holds a large spiked club in each hand and waves them about as it charges at you. You have time to attack once with a missile weapon, after which you must fight hand to hand.
Ettin: AC 3; MV 12″; HD 10; hp 54; #AT 2; Dmg 2-16/3-18; SD surprised only on a 1; AL CE; save vs. spells 11; THAC0 10.
After walking north 80′ more, you come to a door in the west wall. This door is made of iron and is locked with a large padlock. You try to open the door, but the padlock holds it shut.
If you have found an iron key (a bronze key will not work), you may try the key on the lock, adding its number to the number of this section. That equals the answer. If you have no iron key, continue walking north at 51.
You continue walking down the hallway for another 30′. The passageway ends at an oak door. You take a deep breath, then open the door and enter the room beyond. go to §56.
A quick search turns up a rotted robe, an old rusty bell, and a dented lantern. You may take any or none of the above items; your bag of holding will carry whatever you find. When you wish to leave this room, go to §11.
After tying one end of your rope to a pillar and lowering the other end into the hole, you begin your descent. Roll 1d6. If the result is 65 or lower, go to §27. If the result is over 65, go to §27.
If you have a ring of feather falling, you can jump into the hole and float safely down, keeping your rope; go to §40.
You call out to the creature but it doesn’t answer, so you slowly walk past the being, turning to keep it in view as you go by. In a few seconds, the creature has floated up the hole you can down. You may now continue down the passageway. go to §42.
The dust hangs heavy in the entry room, making you sneeze. Sunlight shines through the many cracks in the walls and ceiling, and rubble is strewn about. This room is 20′ square, and four doors provide exits. There is one door in each of the east and west walls, while the north a pair of battered double doors hang askew in their frame. They appear to open into the temple’s sanctuary.
If you search this room, go to §18. If you go through the door to the west, go to §41. If you go through the door to the east, go to §3. If you go through the double doors to the north, go to §32.
Stone golem: AC 5; MV 6″; HD 14; hp 60; #AT 1; Dmg 3-24; SA can cast slow spell (only once for purposes of this adventure); SD +2 or better weapon to hit, immune to most magic spells; AL N; save vs. spells 13; THAC0 6.
In the first round of combat, the golem does not strike with its fists, but it casts its slow spell at you.
If you fail a save vs. spells at −2, go to §118. If you make the save, you can attack, then continue the fight to the end. If you defeat the golem, go to §12. If you lose, go to §106. If you wish to escape by jumping into the hole in the floor, go to §27.
For such a large creature, the giant lizard moves quickly. You, however, have the advantage of greater intelligence. Between its bites and snaps, you cut and slash at the lizard until you finally land a strong blow on the side of the monster’s head. The lizard pauses to let out a roar, and you seize your chance to deliver a fatal blow to its neck. The reptile shudders, then falls dead to the floor at your feet.
When you search the room, you find only a small sack containing 14 cp. Beyond the archway to the west is a rubble-choked stairway that must have led up into the west tower. There is nothing else of interest here, so you decide to go back to the entry room. go to §11.
With a sickening snap, your rope breaks and you plummet downward. The fall takes only a few seconds, and when you hit bottom a fiery pain shoots through your body. You have taken 4-24 hp damage.
If you die, go to §106. If you are still alive, you painfully pick yourself up — and suddenly realize that you are not alone. go to §5.
You hear a soft PING! as your foot breaks a tripwire. As soon as this happens, 10 arrows shoot at you from the eastern wall. Roll 1d12. The result is the number of arrows that hit you, but if you roll an 11 or 12, you dodge all the arrows and get unharmed. For each arrow that hits you, take 1-6 hp damage.
If you die, go to §106. If you survive, you may keep as many of the arrows as you can fit into your quiver. After you have done this, go to §17.
Beyond the door is a 30′-square room. There are many shelves and crates about; this must have once been a storeroom. Dust covers everything, and a large patch of mold grows on the far wall. When you search the room, you find the following things of interest: 355 gp, 24 pp, a jade bracelet worth 500 gp, an iron key (76), a flask of liquid, and a small ivory box. You put the coins, bracelet, and key in your bag of holding. Now you may do any of the following you have not previously done.
If you wish to taste the liquid, go to §57. If you look into the ivory box, go to §61. If you touch neither of these items, but leave the room and walk north, go to §54. If you return to the crossroads, go to §115.
You have entered a huge ornate sanctuary. The room is 160′ east-west and 80′ north-south, its open area almost divided up by rows and rows of ruined benches. Many cracked pillars carved to resemble coiling tentacles and arms support the remains of the ancient roof. A brazier stands to either side of the double doors. At the other end of the room is a raised dais upon which stands a large marble altar, in front of a towering statue of one of the gods of evil. Rotted wall hangings still hang on the walls, obscured by the masses of cobwebs that cover everything in the chamber. In front of the dais is a large hole in the floor. The only exit from the room is the door you came through. You make a quick search of the bench area and find nothing of value.
If you wish to search the dais, go to §37. If you wish to investigate the hole in the floor, go to §2.
Fifty feet farther, the corridor turns west for another 30′ before you come to a stairway going down. You descend these stairs, which take you another 20′ down the hallway. From the foot of the stairs, the passageway continues for 80′ before turning to the north. At the point where the corridor turns north, there is a door in the west wall.
If you walk north, go to §54. If you try to open the door, go to §43. If you return to the crossroads, go to §115.
You quickly swing at the advancing ghasts. The undead creatures try to get past your weapon, but you attack them each time they approach. In a few minutes you have cut down one ghost, but you are growing tired. As the second ghost charges, you stab outward with your sword and hit the creature in the chest. The ghost, impaled on your sword, claws and snaps at you. You quickly grab your dagger while dodging the ghost’s filthy claws, then sink the dagger into the creature’s head. The undead monstrosity falls, but the third is there to take its place. By now you are gasping for breath. The last ghost suddenly leaps at you. You try to dodge it, but you trip on a battered chair and crash to the ground. In seconds the ghost is diving on you. With a great effort, you bring your sword around and upward. Your blow beheads the ghost, and its body collapses upon you. You push the stinking remains off and sit up, gasping and choking. When you’ve caught your breath, you get up to search the room.
The figure in the middle of the room is, as you suspected, a dead body. Next to the body is a rotting sack in which you find 4,000 cp, 1,000 gp, seven rock crystals worth 10 gp each, two scroll tubes, and a pair of boots. You put the coins and crystals in your bag of holding. Now you may do any of the following you have not done so already.
If you read the first scroll, go to §58. If you read the second scroll, go to §65. If you try on the boots, go to §48. You can instead pack these items away and go back into the dining room. Once there, if you leave through the door to the north, go to §22. If you decide to return to the crossroads, go to §115.
As you set foot on the dais, you hear an ominous grating noise issuing forth from the statue. Suddenly the large stone statue animates! It steps over the altar and reaches for you with its stony hands.
If you fight this creature, go to §24. If you wish to escape by fleeing to the entry room, go to §7. If you wish to escape by jumping into the hole in the floor, go to §27.
You find nothing of value in this area, so you decide to investigate the hole in the floor. go to §2.

The necklace seems to be made of cheap metal, upon which are strung seven different-sized marbles. As you touch one of the larger marbles with your hand, you realize that it is quite warm. Suddenly the marble comes off in your hand.
If you throw the marble away, go to §122. If you pocket the marble and investigate the necklace further, go to §113.
You quickly reach the bottom.
If you used your rope, there is no way to untie it, so you will have to leave it here; cross it off of your equipment list. Suddenly you realize that you are not alone! go to §5.
You have entered a 20′-square room lit by sunlight coming through a large hole in the south wall. Curled up in front of an archway in the west wall is an enormous brown lizard. Suddenly the reptile sees you and rushes forward, hissing and snapping. You must fight it!
Giant lizard: AC 5; MV 15″; HD 3+1; hp 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SD double damage on “to hit” score of 20; AL N; save vs. spells 17; THAC0 16.
You light one of your torches and continue down the hallway. After walking 60′ from the hole in the ceiling, you come to a cross corridor. The smell of rot is strongest to the north. go to §115.
The door seems to be stuck. Roll 1d6.
If you roll 1-3, the door splinters down the middle as you ram it with your shoulder; go to §31. If you roll 4-6, the door doesn’t budge, no matter how many times you try to batter it down. If you then wish to head north, go to §54. If you would rather return to the crossroads, go to §115.
The ettin is a fearsome opponent. It towers over you, and when one of its clubs strikes the floor, you can feel the vibration. However, the ettin is also very stupid and has almost no defense aside from its clubs. It is not hard to stab and cut the ettin between swings of its spiked clubs, but dodging the clubs is a different matter. Soon the ettin is cut in many places. Then it raises both its clubs at once in order to smash you flat, but you stab upward into the monster’s abdomen. The ettin keels over, and you get in one last slice at its left leg before the giant humanoid falls.
You search the room and find 1,000 cp; a pyramid-shaped, fist-sized stone; and a small ceramic jar. When you take off the jar’s lid, you see that it is filled with a creamy white ointment. Acting on a hunch, you rub a small amount of the ointment into a cut on your arm. The scratch, just as you suspected, quickly heals. This is a jar of Keoghtom’s ointment.
If you swallow one dose of this ointment, it cures any disease or poison in your body. If you rub one dose into your wounds, the ointment heals 9-12 (1d4+8) hp damage. There are five doses in the jar, and you may use the ointment at any time. You put the ointment jar and coins in your bag of holding.
If you now pick up the stone, go to §49. If you would rather not touch the stone, you can leave it in the room, return to the corridor, and head north (go to §29.) or east, back to the crossroads (go to §115.).
The creature manages to attach one of its stalks to your arm. You feel a stinging sensation; seconds later, the creature then falls to the floor, shrivels up into a wrinkled ball, and dies. You nervously inspect the spot where it touched you. There is a small red mark on your arm that tingles, but you seem to be otherwise unharmed. Shrugging, you continue down the passageway. go to §50.
The key easily unlocks the door, which swings open to reveal a large, cold room, 70′ square. A total of eight stone coffins lie next to the north, south, and west walls. The domed ceiling is 30′ high and is supported by a few pillars. The air in here is stale and cold, and the place sends shivers down your spine. There is a large sarcophagus sitting on a 2′-high raised platform in the middle of the room.
Suddenly the top of the sarcophagus slides off to land on the platform with a reverberating thud. A gaunt, rotting figure arises from the tomb. The undead being is dressed in rich but rotted robes, and a cold blue light glows deep within its eye sockets. It shuffles toward you, apparently casting a spell as it comes.
Behind the door is a 10′-square lavatory that smells of damp earth and mold. A quick search turns up 7 cp, then you continue walking north in the passageway. go to §60.
The boots are just your size and seem quite normal until you try walking around the room. With each stride, you realize that you are traveling much faster than normal. These must be boots of speed. As long as you wear them, your movement rate is increased to 24″. They also give you a bonus of −2 to your armor class. Now return to §36. and make another choice.
You pick up the stone and nothing happens. But when you try to walk, you move half as fast as normal. You toss the stone down, but it reappears inside one of your pouches. Only a remove curse spell can get rid of it. As long as you have the stone, your movement rate is 6″ (or 12″ if you wear boots of speed).
You have walked only 30′ when the hallway momentarily blurs. You are getting a headache. When you reach up to rub your forehead, you suddenly become dizzy and disoriented. You sway back and forth, then drop to the ground in a fit of convulsions before losing consciousness. In 24 hours, four baby gas spores emerge from your body. Your adventure is over. Ω
After walking north 20′ more, you come to a 20′ long flight of stairs going up. You climb them and walk north 30′ before the passageway turns east. The corridor goes east for 40′ and ends at an unlocked door. go to §56.
Lich: AC 0; MV 6″; HD 11+*; hp 60; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SA paralysis, spells; SD +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to many spells (charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph, cold, electricity, insanity, and death spells/symbols); AL NE; save vs. spells 8; THAC0 10.
You may attack once with a missile weapon before the lich gets too close.
If you fail to hurt the lich with a missile weapon, it casts a magic missile spell at you before it engages in melee. This magic missile causes 18-45 (9d4+9) hp damage (unless you wear a brooch of shielding).
You always attack first in this combat. If you hit in melee, the lich attacks you with its freezing hands. If the lich hits with its hands, you take 1-10 hp damage and must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation. If you fail the save, go to §72. If your first attack misses, the lich casts these spells in the order given, one at a time:
Power word, kill: This spell kills you if you have less than 61 hp (go to §106.). Otherwise, this spell has no effect.
Limited wish: This spell heals all the lich’s damage. If the lich has not yet been damaged, this spell adds 10 hp to its total.
Eyebite: If you fail a save vs. spells, go to §120.
Alaznist sighs, then says, “It seems I have misjudged you. So be it.” There is another loud POP! and you are suddenly back in your own room — but all of your magical items have vanished! Your quest ends before it has even begun. Ω
You walk north another 50′. There is something here for you to see, if you have eyes of minute seeing.
If you don’t have this item, continue walking north (go to §51.).
You feel no pain as the snake bites you. Suddenly blackness fills the room. You see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing. Until someone casts a dispel magic spell on you, you will remain in suspended animation. The door to the crypt closes and locks by itself. Your adventure is over. Ω
Beyond the door is a rectangular room, 80′ east-west by 40′ north-south.
If you previously read a scroll of protection from traps, the magic of the scroll ends here. There are two doors in the south wall. A short, 10′-long and 10′-wide passageway in the north wall ends in a closed door. A large pillar that supports the ceiling stands in the middle of the room. Suddenly you hear a rhythmic clacking noise, and an animated snake skeleton with a fanged human skull for a head slithers out from behind the pillar. It sways back and forth, making strange clicking noises. Make a saving throw vs. spells. If the roll is successful, go to §71. If you fail the roll, go to §64.
You take a tiny sip of the liquid in the flask, and a surge of energy flows through you. It is a potion of extra-healing, and if imbibed it heals 6-27 (6d8+3) hp damage. Now make another choice at 31.
The single word on the scroll is “glus!” As soon as you have read it, you hear a popping noise and are transformed into a giant slug by the cursed scroll. Your adventure is over. Ω
On the other side of the secret door is a 20′-square room. Slumped against the north wall is a human skeleton. The rest of the room is a mess of rubble and trash. You find nothing of value when you search it, so you turn to the skeleton. It is dressed in rotted chain mail, and the only items of interest on it are a silver ring, a brooch, and a finely made iron footman’s mace.
The ring is a ring of protection +2 (+2 bonus to saving throws only, not to armor class). The brooch is a brooch of shielding. It will absorb up to 65 hp damage from magic missile spells, and melts as soon as this limit is reached.
The passageway continues north for 90′, ending at an unlocked door. You open the door and enter the room beyond. go to §56.
The ivory box is worth 25 gp. Inside is a pair of crystal lenses that seem to be made to fit over the eyes. You try them on, and the room around you is suddenly magnified. These are eyes of minute seeing (20). They allow you to see such things as secret doors, hidden messages, most traps of a mechanical nature, etc. At various times in this adventure, there are things you can see with these eyes that you could not see otherwise.
When you are told “there is something here for you to see if you have eyes of minute seeing,” add 20 to the section number you are currently reading, then go to the section number that matches the answer to find out what there is to see. Now go back to 31 and make another choice.
You turn and run from the crypt. However, the lich has cast a magic missile spell at you. Nine glowing arrows shoot from the lich’s fingertips to hit you in the back, causing 18-45 (9d4+9) hp damage (unless you have a brooch of shielding).
If you are killed, go to §106. If you are still alive, you slam the door to the crypt and lock it. When you have caught your breath, you hurry north. go to §51.
The dance of death this snakelike necrophidius is performing soon hypnotizes you. The monster then slithers up to you, jaws open wide, and you put up no fight. Your adventure is over. Ω
As you read the scroll, you feel protected by some unseen force. When you have read the final mystical word, the scroll disappears. The magic of this scroll will protect you from all traps until you are told its duration has ended. Until then, you may proceed without taking any damage from traps you may set off. Now make another choice at 36.
You quickly search the eight coffins and find nothing of value. You then step up to the sarcophagus and look inside. Lying on a red silken pillow are three items. Suddenly, with a puff of smoke, a large, shimmering, ethereal brown snake appears and tries to bite you. This sepia snake was put here to guard the lich’s treasure, and it has a THAC0 of 7. If it hits you, go to §55. If it misses you, go to §75. Note: A scroll of protection from traps will not protect you from the sepia snake.
A quick search turns up 43 gp and an onyx ring worth 250 gp. Suddenly you hear a crash from beyond the eastern door.
If you decide to investigate, go to §124. If you return to the crossroads, go back to 115.
You enter the short passageway and try to open the door. As soon as you touch the door, a stone wall slides out of the wall behind you, sealing you into the short passageway. You frantically try to open the bronze door, but it is locked! Do you have a bronze key? If so, add the key’s number to this section’s number and go to the section number that matches the result.
If you have no bronze key (an iron key will not work), go to §76.
Forty feet down the hall, the passageway ends at an unlocked stone door. Carved into the face of the door is a human eye, so excellently done that it seems to watch you. Something is here for you to see, if you have eyes of minute seeing.
If you open the door, go to §77. If you turn around and walk west, go to §82.
As you slip the ring onto your finger, there is a sizzling pop as a small jolt of electricity shoots through your arm. As you watch, little blue tendrils of lightning tingle across the palm of your hand, and you realize that this is a ring of shocking grasp. It will work only once per combat.
If you hit an opponent with the hand bearing this ring, your foe takes 7-14 (1d8+6) hp electrical damage. Now return to §63.
Your head starts to spin, but you shake it to clear your vision and charge at the snakelike necrophidius. (It is unaffected by a mace of disruption.)
Necrophidius: AC 2; MV 9″; HD 2; hp 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA paralyzation; SD immune to sleep, charm spells, and poison; AL N; save vs. spells 17; THAC0 16.
If you are bitten by the necrophidius, you must make a save vs. spells. If the save fails, go to §72. If you defeat the necrophidius, go to §81. If you are killed, go to §106.
Your muscles quickly become rigid as the effects of the paralysis overcome you. All you can do is watch in horror as the creature that paralyzed you approaches. Your adventure is over. Ω
Instead of attacking in this round, the demon makes a quick hand gesture. Suddenly the room goes black! The demon has cast a darkness spell, and for the rest of this battle you fight at −4 to hit. The demon casts this spell only once, so reroll this result from now on. return to §92. and continue the fight.
You can see a sepia snake lunges at you, but you jerk aside and it continues on past you to land on the floor. As suddenly as it appeared, it disappears in another puff of smoke. You take a deep breath and look into the sarcophagus once again; go to §63.
You try everything you can think of to get out of this prison, and your hands are raw from banging against the door and searching the stone walls for hidden latches. There’s no need to worry about running out of food and water. Your head is becoming woozy with exertions, and you realize you will soon run out of air and die here, sealed in forever. Your adventure is over. Ω
You open the door and discover only a blank wall beyond. At the same time a trapdoor swings open above you, spilling a great volume of sand. You are thrown to the floor by the force of the sand, taking 1-6 hp damage, and are quickly buried.
If you have an iridescent spindle ioun stone, go to §109. If not, go to §121.
Beyond the door is a 10′-wide passageway that slopes slightly downward to the north. As you close the door behind you it disappears, leaving only a stone wall. The only path left to you is the straight ahead.
After walking north for 60′, you come to a cloth-wrapped, well-preserved human body lying on the floor. Suddenly the body gets up and reaches toward you!
Mummy: AC 3; MV 6″; HD 6+3; hp 40; #AT 1; Dmg 1-12; SA fear; SD immune to sleep, charm, hold spells, poison and paralysis; half damage from all weapons, +1 or better weapons to hit; AL LE; save vs. spells 13; THAC0 13.
At the start of the first round of combat, the mummy automatically hits you 1-4 times with a wasting disease (no save). As long as you have this disease, you cannot magically heal your wounds.
Inside the pouch are three small stones: an iridescent spindle, a dusty rose prism, and a vibrant purple prism. As soon as you touch them, they jump into the air and whirl about your head. These are ioun stones, and they each have a beneficial magical power. The dusty rose prism gives you a +1 bonus to your saving throw. The iridescent spindle sustains you without air. The vibrant purple gem stores two magical spells: magic missile (five glowing arrows shoot from your fingertips at a target and do 2-5 hp damage each, hitting automatically) and remove curse (can rid you of only one cursed item). You may cast each spell once. Now return to §63.
The only noise this magical guardian makes is the clicking of its bones. The necrophidius attacks with great speed, but you manage to block most of its lunges with your shield. You back up against a wall, and as the necrophidius lunges with your shield. You back up against a wall, and as the necrophidius lunges with your shield. You back up against a wall, and as the necrophidius strikes you jump aside and swing at the back of its head. The skull shatters under your blow, and the body instantly stops moving and falls to the floor.
A quick search of the nearly empty room reveals only a small garnet worth 100 gp. You then decide to investigate the door to the north. go to §68.
You walk west for 80′ past the first door. At the hallway’s opposite end, there is a door in the north corridor wall. When you try to open it, it seems to be stuck. You step back and rush at the door, ramming it with your shoulder. go to §92.
The nabassu chants a strange spell, then attempts to strike at you. If it misses, nothing happens and you can continue the fight at 88.
If you are struck by the demon, an energy drain spell affects you, and you lose two levels of experience. If you are ever drained below level zero, go to §106. In the meantime, return to §88. and continue the fight.

This proves to be a difficult battle, as you have to avoid the demon’s gaze. The creature cackles and giggles as it repeatedly swings its huge halberd at you. Your weapon, when it hits, seems to just slide off the demon’s body. Every now and then, the demon casts spells to make the fight even more difficult. Finally, you land a solid blow on the babau’s head, which brings an ear-piercing howl from the demon. You smell brimstone as the vile creature suddenly immolates in a huge fire. In seconds, all that remains is a scorched mark on the floor and the smell of sulphur.
After resting for a bit, you search the room, which seems to once have been some sort of laboratory. The halberd +5 was destroyed when the demon immolated, but you find some other items of interest. In an unlocked chest under a table, you find 2,000 gp, 1,500 cp, and a gold necklace worth 5,000 gp. When you search the many shelves you find a potion of healing (heals 4-10 (2d4+2) hp damage), a pair of bracers, and a red cloak. You put the coins, necklace, and potion in your bag of holding. There is something else for you to see, if you have eyes of minute seeing.
Now you may do any one of the following that you have not previously done.
If you put on the bracers, go to §79. If you try on the cloak, go to §97. When you decide to leave this room, open the door to the north and go to §78.
Thirty feet farther, the passageway ends at a wall of steel. You tap on the wall, and it proves to be hollow. Something is on the other side of the wall, but do you have a way to get at it?
If you have a wand of metal command with three charges, add the wand’s number to this section’s number. Then go to the section number that matches the result. If you have no such wand, go to §96.
When you press the button, a secret panel in the east wall opens to reveal a small compartment containing an iron wand and a vial of blue liquid. You may do any of the following that you have not previously done.
If you investigate the vial, go to §102. If you investigate the wand, go to §98. At any time, you may leave via the north door; go to §78.
Nothing seems to affect the invisible wall. You try moving through it slowly, then quickly. None of your weapons or other items will pass through, either. The door at the far end of the corridor is still only a memory. Telling yourself not to panic, you sit down and think about what to do. go to §76.
In a puff of gray smoke, a hideous beast appears. It stands a full 7′ tall and has the general shape of a man except for its two scaled batlike wings, a pair of horns on its long-faced head, two large pointed ears, two great tusks, and razor-sharp claws. The monster’s glowing yellow eyes stare at you as it attacks, and its coloration shifts constantly from gray-brown to black.
Nabassu demon: AC −5; MV 15″/ HD 5+20; hp 60; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/ 2-8/2-8; SA spells, death bestows; SD iron or +1 or better weapons to hit, regeneration; half damage from cold, fire, electricity, and gas; magic resistance 50%; AL CE; save vs. spells 10; THAC0 13. This major demon is too powerful to be disrupted by a mace of disruption.
Each round, there is a 30% chance that the nabassu will attempt to bestow a “stolen death” upon you (as per Monster Manual II, pages 40-41) which kills you if you fail a save vs. death magic. As soon as the nabassu loses 20 hp, it casts a regeneration spell that heals 20 hp, but it can do this only once and cannot attack that round.
For each round of combat, roll 1d10. If the result is 1-5, the demon attacks you normally. If the result is 6, go to §125. If the result is 7, run this round of combat normally, but if you are hit and fail a save vs. spells, go to §126. If the result is 8, go to §83. If the result is 9, go to §94. If the result is 10, go to §117.
If you win this battle, go to §127. If you lose the battle, go to §106.
You turn the wand over and over in your hand, then spot a familiar diamond-shaped rune on its butt. A childhood friend of yours became a magic-user, and he had a similar wand. A little experimentation proves that this is a wand of force (5). This wand has only two charges left, and after its charges run out it turns to dust. At the cost of one charge, it will create a plane of force +5 and lasts for one combat. Also for one charge, the wand can create an invisible wall of force, a field of energy through which nothing can pass. You may use the wall of force only if an option to do so is given in the text. Now return to §63.
The room begins to grow larger. Furniture towers above you, and the smooth stone floor becomes as rough as sandpaper. Your body twitches and changes: two extra legs sprout from your torso, and antennae pop out on your forehead. You can no longer remember why you came here, but as you scuttle toward the door, you don’t see the lich’s foot that smashes you into oblivion. Your adventure is over. Ω
It seems that a human skeleton was propped up against the other side of the door. When you burst into this 30′-square room, bones fly everywhere. You watch helplessly as a rib skids along the stone floor, coming to a stop just over the outer circle of a pentagram on the floor. Standing inside the pentagram is a horrifying creature coated with red slime. One curved horn protrudes from its skull-like head, and it has huge claws and teeth. Otherwise, it looks like a human skeleton dressed in form-fitting black leather. This demonic being, now released by the rib that broke the circle, grabs a large halberd off the wall and attacks you with an inhuman scream.
Babau demon: AC −3; MV 15″; HD 7+14; hp 56; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type or 2-5/2-5/2-8; SA spells, death bestowa; SD iron or +1 or better weapons to hit, regeneration; half damage from cold, fire, electricity, and gas; magic resistance 50%; AL CE; save vs. spells 10; THAC0 13. This minor demon can be disrupted by a mace of disruption.
For each round of combat, roll 1d10. If the result is 1-5, the round of combat is run normally. If the result is 6, go to §73. If the result is 7, go to §125. If the result is 8, go to §94. If the result is 9, go to §95. If the result is 10, go to §111.
If you win the fight, go to §84. If you are killed, go to §106.
Instead of attacking, the demon casts a silence spell. Suddenly you cannot hear anything, and for the rest of this battle you cannot cast spells. The demon will cast this spell only once, so reroll this result from now on. Now return to §88. and continue the battle.
You can see that the passageway continues for another 20′ before it opens into a room about 50′ square. The floor of the room is hidden by a layer of white mist, and your heart leaps as you notice a large black scepter on a stand at the far end of the room! Excitedly, you run down the passageway . . . and bounce off an invisible wall across the doorway.
If you have a wand of force, add the wand’s number to this section’s number. Then go to the section number that matches the answer. If you don’t have a wand of force, go to §87.
Neither weapons nor kicks nor fists will even dent the wall. If there is a secret trigger to release it, no amount of searching and pressing has revealed it. If only the door to the laboratory had not simply disappeared! In despair, you sit on the cold stone floor and ponder what to do next. go to §76.
You put on the cloak, and pain instantly shoots through your body. The room becomes a blur and starts to spin! This is a cloak of poisonousness, and soon you are quite dead. Your adventure is over. Ω
Carved into the sides of this wand are five command words. After a bit of experimentation, you suddenly realize that you are holding a wand of metal command (16). You have read about such things in books, but you have never seen one until now. It has only three charges left. You may use it only if an option to do so is given in the text. The only power you remember hearing about occurs if all three charges are expended, which allows you to transform metal into a fragile crystal. Now return to §86. and make another choice.
The mummy is a terrifying opponent. Its lifeless eyes gaze sightlessly as it swings its fists at you with incredible force. Its winding cloths smell of mold, and its bones crunch as it moves. Although each swing of your sword does not damage the mummy greatly, your continuing efforts finally take their toll, and the mummy eventually collapses to the floor. You poke among its remains, find a silver ring worth 200 gp, then rise and continue walking down the passageway. go to §85.
You touch your wand of force to the wall and hear a loud POP! You reach out for the wall and feel nothing. Your wand has destroyed the wall, and in doing so has regained one charge. go to §103. to enter the room.
You remember the crystalbrittle power of the wand of metal command and remove it from your bag. go to §119.
This is a vial of holy water. You can throw it on a demon or an undead being to inflict 2-8 hp damage, but the vial is destroyed as a result. Now return to §86. and make another choice.
As you suspected, this room is 50′ square. It has a domed ceiling and is completely bare except for the Scepter of the Underworld, which sits on a stand to the north. However, the destruction of the invisible wall has awakened the Scepter’s guardian. go to §88.
There are actually two things to see here. The first is a small label on the floor that says “Do not touch! Cursed items!” The label seems to have fallen from the shelf containing the bracers and the cloak. You decide to leave them alone.
The second thing you see is a small stone button on the wall in the northwest corner of the room.
If you press this button, go to §86. If you would rather leave the room through the exit to the north, go to §78.
“Is there anything else I should know before I go?” you ask. Hopefully the wizard won’t mind a last question.
Alaznist leans back in his chair. You wish you could see his face. “I have learned only two other facts about the temple and the Scepter: First of all, the Scepter is guarded by a major demon. I also know that in the sanctuary of the temple lies a hidden cache of treasure. More than this, I cannot say.”
A major demon! You’ve been picked for a deadly mission. You wish you had just thrown the ring away and gone back to sleep.
If you now feel that you are ready to begin the quest, go to §110. If you would rather call it quits and not go on the quest, go to §53.
Suddenly everything goes dark. You sense nothing for an unknown length of time. Then, suddenly, you see a far-off pinpoint of light. You are being drawn toward it, or perhaps it is coming toward you. Soon you can see a figure beckoning to you in the light. You quickly forget everything about your past life. Your adventure is over. Ω
The door creaks loudly, and the three figures in the room whirl about, revealing their festering, rotting faces. Moaning horribly, the three undead creatures stumble toward you.
Ghasts (3): AC 4; MV 15″; HD 4; hp 21, 15, 11; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-8; SA paralyzation, carrion stench (save vs. poison or attack at −2); SD immune to sleep and charm spells; AL CE; save vs. spells 16; THAC0 15.
You stand in the doorway, so the ghasts can attack you only one at a time. Each time you are hit, you must save vs. paralyzation or become paralyzed.
If you are paralyzed, go to §72. If you win the fight, go to §36. If the ghasts kill you, go to §106.
Suddenly you can no longer move. In seconds, you become nothing more than a stone statue, your features contorted and your mouth open in a scream that no one will ever hear. Your adventure is over. Ω
Even though there is sand all about you, your ioun stones still buzz around your head. Due to the magic of your iridescent spindle ioun stone, you do not suffocate. Deciding quickly which way is up, you manage to dig yourself out of the sand-blocked passageway and walk west. go to §82.
Alaznist nods as you agree to go. “Farewell, and good luck, Jan Daystar,” he whispers, waving his hands. You suddenly hear another POP! and are teleported to the rolling foothills of the Bahazmar. The sun shines down as you look at the crumbling structure before you. Two ruined towers jut from the roof of the ancient temple, and there are many cracks in the aged stone walls. You face a pair of battered double doors that provide entrance into the temple. You take a deep breath, then open the doors and step into the temple. go to §23.
Instead of attacking in this round, the babau demon gives a shrill screech. In a puff of smoke, a second babau demon appears and joins the fight against you. Statistics for this babau are the same as for the first one, but it is armed with a long sword that does 8-15 (1d8+7) hp damage per hit. Only this one additional demon will be gated in, so reroll this result from now on. return to §92. and continue the fight, with both demons attacking you from your front.
Instead of attacking, the demon screams out an alien-sounding sentence. When you hit the creature, you are stunned to see the attack reflected back upon you. You take damage from your attack as if you had hit yourself, and the demon remains unharmed. The demon can do this only once, so reroll this result from now on. Now return to §88. and continue the battle.
Thick strands of spiderwebs fly from the lich’s hands to quickly entangle you, and in seconds you can’t move even a little finger. The lich approaches his “gift-wrapped” parcel and has no trouble killing you. Your adventure is over. Ω
You are at a crossroads. To the east is a hallway’s opposite end, there is a door in the north corridor wall. When you try to open it, it seems to be stuck. You step back and rush at the door, ramming it with your shoulder. go to §92.
Instead of attacking in this round, the demon speaks a few alien words and casts a dispel magic spell. Roll 1d6. If the result is 1-3, all your potions turn to water. If the result is 4-6, nothing happens. The demon will not cast this spell again, so reroll this result from now on. return to §88. and continue the battle.
Instead of attacking in this round, the demon utters a harsh sentence of nonsense words.
If you make a saving throw vs. spells, its spell doesn’t affect you; return to §88. and continue the battle. If you fail the save, go to §72. The demon will cast this spell only once, so reroll this result from now on.

Before you even have a chance to swing at the golem, the stony guardian waves its hand at you. Suddenly you feel as if you were moving through thick sludge. You can barely put one foot in front of the other, and it seems to take hours to raise your sword arm. The golem approaches you and raises its huge fist. You can do nothing as the golem brings it down upon your head. Your adventure is over. Ω
You aim the wand at the wall and speak the word that activates the crystalbrittle power. The wand turns to dust and the wall turns into pink crystal. You strike the wall with a weapon and the crystal shatters. Beyond, the passageway continues north. go to §95.
The lich speaks a word, and suddenly your eyelids close. You collapse to the ground in a deep sleep, and the lich has no trouble killing you. Your adventure is over. Ω
You frantically dig for a way out of the sand, but succeed only in tiring yourself out. You’re not even sure which way is up, and your struggles become weaker and weaker. You soon pass out from lack of air and quietly suffocate here, buried under a mountain of sand. Your adventure is over. Ω
You throw the marble into the southwest corner of the chamber. When it strikes the stone floor, it explodes into a ball of fire that shakes the temple. Stones crash to the floor, and you expect the whole roof to cave in at any moment. The pillars manage to support the ceiling, though the dust kicked up by the explosion sends you into a fit of coughing. When the dust clears, you see that the southeast corner of the room is now a pile of rubble.
Suddenly you realize what the necklace is. It is a necklace of missiles.
If you throw one of the marbles at a target, the sphere explodes into a fireball upon contact. There are two small marbles (3d6 hp damage), two medium ones (5d6 hp damage), one large one (7d6 hp damage), and one extra-large marble (9d6 hp damage). Any creature hit with such a marble can make a save vs. spells for half damage. Each marble will work only once. You may use the marbles at any time the text says you may use a missile weapon, but for now you put the necklace in your bag of holding.
If you now investigate the ring (providing you have not done so already), go to §25. If you investigate the hole in the floor, go to §2.
As the demon hits you, an overwhelming fear grips you and you bolt for the door to the north. The demon manages to hit you one last time as you flee, inflicting 13-22 (1d10+12) hp damage. go to §106. if you are killed.
If you survive, you throw open the door and run into the passageway beyond. go to §78.
You tiptoe up the eastern door and quietly open it a crack. The room beyond is 20′ square and reeks of so much rot that you nearly faint. It seems to have once been a kitchen, but it is now in shambles. The scene in the room is truly chaotic. A humanoid figure, its back to the door, is hunched over what looks like a dead body in the middle of the room. Two more figures, their backs to you also, stand at the far wall where they have just knocked down a shelf of jars and pots.
If you quietly close the door and leave the dining room through the door to the north, go to §22. If you would rather return to the crossroads, go to §115. If you open the door all the way, go to §107.
Instead of attacking in this round, the demon makes a quick hand gesture. Suddenly the room goes black! The demon has cast a darkness spell, and for the rest of this battle you fight at −4 to hit. The demon casts this spell only once, so reroll this result from now on. Now return to the appropriate place (88 or 92) and continue the fight.
Instead of attacking in this round, the demon gestures wildly. Suddenly all your metallic possessions grow red hot! The demon has cast a heat metal spell.
If you are holding a metal object, you take damage starting the next melee round from holding metallic weapons and wearing metallic armor. On the next round, you take 1-4 hp damage; for the next three rounds thereafter, you take 2-8 hp damage; finally, on the sixth round after the spell is cast, you take 1-4 hp damage again. If you die, go to §106. If you survive the demon’s magical attack, return to §92. and continue the battle, marking off damage at the start of each round thereafter until the spell’s duration ceases or until you slay the demon.
“Sssssooo,” the demon hisses as it circles you during your battle. “You know the proper ussse of weaponsss. You have come for the Ssscepter, eh? You’ll never get it, ssssd ssski, for I know the proper ussse of the sssss!” The demon flashes its claws and charges you with a howling roar. It leaps into the air and flies at you, its claws and fangs shining in the torchlight. You manage to duck before the demon reaches you, then you jump to your feet and spin to face the nabassu, who has landed 15′ away and now stands knee-deep in the mist.
The demon gives a little chuckle and says, “How can you fight what you cannot sssee?” then drops to the floor where the mist conceals it. You quickly turn and run toward the Scepter, intent on grabbing it and breaking the stick to get you out of here.
Before the demon reaches you, then you jump to your feet and spin to face the nabassu, who has landed 15′ away and now stands knee-deep in the mist.
The demon gives a little chuckle and says, “How can you fight what you cannot sssee?” then drops to the floor where the mist conceals it. You quickly turn and run toward the Scepter, intent on grabbing it and breaking the stick to get you out of here.
But as you approach the stand, you realize that you are not alone! go to §5.
The Scepter of the Underworld
While the Scepter of the Underworld has no effect in this adventure, the following information is given so that the DM may include it in his campaign.
This powerful magical artifact was created by a great drow Arch-Mage. It appears to be a scepter of the darkest onyx, carved to resemble the many creatures of the underworld. This artifact was used in many of the wars the drow waged against other races of the underworld. One day the Arch-Mage journeyed to the surface world for unknown reasons, and since then no one has seen or heard of him. It is not known how the Scepter ended up in the forgotten temple in this adventure.
Only a magic-user or an illusionist may use the Scepter of the Underworld. The Scepter is chaotic evil, but may be handled by a good- or neutral-aligned being if no powers are used. If a nonevil being uses it, he suffers its minor malevolent effects (effects IV). The other malevolent effects (effects I-III) affect everyone who uses the Scepter. If a lawful-good being tries to use this artifact, the Scepter attempts to bring about that person’s destruction.
The specific powers of the Scepter of the Underworld are left to the DM to assign. The DM should choose this artifact’s powers from the tables in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, pages 162-164, and fill them in on the following chart:
5 × I ________, ________, ________, ________, ________
3 × II ________, ________, ________
3 × III ________, ________, ________
2 × IV ________, ________
2 × V ________, ________
2 × VI ________, ________ Ω