The Ethereal plane is a plane of swirling proto-matter coexisting alongside Prime Material plane, touching the Prime at all points. The Ethereal is the cosmic “glue” that binds together the Prime Material and inner planes. It also contains the stuff that new demi-planes are made of. It is a roiling, chaotic plane filled with swirling fogs and shadowy shapes in various degrees of solidity. Travelers and the few natives that exist in this plane appear semi-solid as well, and nonliving objects can pass through each other easily.
Movement and Gravity in the Ethereal Plane
The first-time visitor deep within the plane may find himself completely surrounded by colorful mists, or in areas that resemble small towns on misty, fog-bound evenings. There is gravity in the sense of an up and a down direction, but the ethereal visitor can move in all directions freely. Visitors and other objects are supported by the ethereal medium, so that unsupported objects do not fall in Ethereal plane, despite the existence of a down direction. The traveler in the Ethereal consists of the same base material, and therefore has the same density, as his surroundings. A traveler can move forward, backward, up, or down by parting the vaporous medium at will.
Distinctions Between Deep and Border Ethereal
The Ethereal is unique among the planes in that a visitor can exist simultaneously in both the Ethereal and another plane, in a region of the Ethereal plane known as the Border Ethereal. The Border Ethereal is explained below and is considered part of the Ethereal plane (the “edge” of the infinite plane). The non-Border parts of the Ethereal are referred to as the Deep Ethereal. The Ethereal can be thought of as a great ocean, so that a traveler can wade along the beach (in the Border Ethereal), alongside familiar lands, or journey across the Ethereal Ocean (the Deep Ethereal) into new lands.
Functions and Accessing of the Ethereal Plane
The Ethereal plane is used as a means of travel from the Prime to the inner planes, which include the elemental, para-elemental, and quasi-elemental planes, as well as the Positive and Negative Material planes. The Ethereal also provides access to the demiplanes.
The Ethereal plane (and the realms beyond it) can be most easily reached via magical items, such as oil of etherealness or armor of etherealness. These and similar magical items place the user and those items he carries into the Border Ethereal, that place where the Prime and Ethereal meet.
Visibility, Limitations, Capabilities in the Ethereal Plane
A traveler becoming ethereal slowly disappears from view, taking a round to fade away, whether entering the Deep Ethereal or the Border Ethereal. The ethereal traveler is invisible for as long he remains in the Ethereal plane; when he leaves the Ethereal plane, he rematerializes in one round in the next plane on his itinerary.
An individual in the Border Ethereal is invisible to those in the bordering plane, although he can be detected from that plane by means of the defect etherealness or detect invisible spells. Such a traveler revealed would appear as a smoky, translucent shade. Travelers in the Border Ethereal are visible to others in the Border Ethereal. Individuals in the Border Ethereal cannot verbally communicate with inhabitants of the plane they border, nor can they use equipment, items, or spells to attack individuals in the plane they border.
Security Measures Against Ethereal Intruders
The Ethereal plane is a realm of many mysteries, but its potential for allowing unseen access to adjacent planes has led to the development of various countermeasures. These are the three primary methods that inhabitants of adjacent planes employ to secure their domains against ethereal intrusion.
Spell-based Defenses
Magic is often the first line of defense against ethereal intrusion. Spells that detect ethereal presence can act as early warning systems. Some spells go beyond mere detection and can ban ethereal beings from entering a particular space. For example, powerful wizards and other magical beings may cast spells that create a barrier impassable to those in the Ethereal plane. These magical fortifications may be permanent or temporary, depending on the resources and intent of the caster.
Dense Metals
Metals like gold or lead have been found to interfere with the ability of ethereal beings to pass through physical barriers. As a result, fortresses and important buildings may incorporate such metals into their construction. In particularly high-stakes situations, even more valuable or exotic metals denser than gold might be used. Mining communities have capitalized on this phenomenon, using ethereal scouts to find new veins of dense metals—although this method can also lead to accidental and dangerous discoveries, such as uncovering sealed tombs.
Living Barriers
Interestingly, living beings possess an innate resistance to ethereal intrusion. They generate an “aura” extending roughly a foot from their physical form, creating an invisible barrier to ethereal movement. This has led to unique security measures; for example, a guard stationed outside a room effectively blocks ethereal access to it. Plants, too, exude this aura, making a vine-covered wall or a densely planted area an effective barrier against ethereal travel.
By employing one or more of these countermeasures, the inhabitants of planes adjacent to the Ethereal can better secure their domains against unwanted ethereal visitors. These methods are not foolproof but go a long way toward complicating the efforts of would-be intruders.
Spells and Alchemic Solutions Against Ethereal Intrusion
Spells can affect creatures in the Ethereal. There are various spells and alchemical solutions available to counter ethereal intrusions. Depending on the level of threat, financial capability, and ethical considerations, one can choose a suitable method to secure their premises against ethereal threats.
Gorgon Blood
An alchemic mixture containing gorgon’s blood that, when mixed with the mortar of a building, prevents ethereal and astral creatures from passing through the walls. This last potion usually costs 10,000 g.p. from a reputable alchemist.
Absolutely! Below is an expanded discussion on various other spells and alchemical solutions that can effectively combat or hinder ethereal intrusion:
Runes of Displacement
These magical inscriptions can be etched onto walls or other solid surfaces to create a spatial distortion, effectively “pushing” ethereal entities back into their plane. A skilled spellcaster usually designs these runes, and they’re activated by a keyword or simply upon detecting an ethereal presence.
Aura of Detection
This is a magical aura that can be imbued onto an area by a high-level cleric or wizard. The aura is invisible to the naked eye but is extremely effective in detecting ethereal or astral beings. Once detected, an alarm of some kind—either audible or telepathic—alerts the spellcaster or another designated individual.
Wyrm’s Breath Elixir
This rare elixir is made using the breath of a dragon, captured in a magical containment vessel. When sprayed onto walls or barriers, it creates a sheen that ethereal entities find impassable. It’s extremely effective but also very expensive, given the dangers involved in obtaining a dragon’s breath.
Salt of the Earth
A more affordable alchemic solution involves the use of blessed or enchanted salt. According to ancient lore, salt represents the purity and permanence of the Earth and can create a temporary boundary against ethereal beings. However, the effects usually don’t last long and need to be reapplied frequently.
Warding Crystals
These are specially enchanted gemstones that emit a field preventing ethereal intrusion. They can be placed at regular intervals along a perimeter or hung from the ceiling to create an ethereal “net.” While generally effective, they can be circumvented by sufficiently powerful beings.
Silvered Mirrors
These are not spells or potions, but the use of specially crafted mirrors with silvered surfaces can act as portals to detect or trap ethereal entities. Experienced spellcasters can enchant these mirrors to serve as gateways that can either pull ethereal beings into the material plane or send them back to their native planes.
Eldritch Chains
This is a higher-level spell that creates invisible, interdimensional chains that can latch onto an ethereal creature and pull it entirely into the material plane, making it susceptible to regular attacks. However, casting this spell requires immense concentration and skill.
Nullification Dust
This alchemical powder, when spread around an area, nullifies the natural ethereal vibrations, making it difficult for ethereal creatures to maintain their form or move effortlessly. However, it also has a dulling effect on magical items within its area of effect, so caution is advised when using it.
Physical Barriers in the Ethereal Plane
Dense metals also prevent passage by those in the Border Ethereal, so a large collection of gold or plates of lead can be used to ethereal-proof an area. Any metal denser than gold can be used, though this is often an expensive proposition.
While gold and lead are commonly used, other dense metals like platinum, tungsten, and osmium can offer even more effective barriers against ethereal travel. Due to the laws of metaphysical conductivity, these metals tend to be more resistant to ethereal penetration.
Intricately crafted alloys, designed by expert alchemists or blacksmiths, can be even more effective. For instance, a mix of lead, gold, and a rare substance like meteoric iron could create a hyper-dense alloy impenetrable by even the most skilled ethereal traveler.
Metallurgical Runes
In some cases, carving runes or symbols associated with grounding or containment into these dense metals can amplify their ethereal-resistant properties. These runes are often etched using substances like diamond dust or even powdered sapphire to ensure the symbols are as enduring as the metal itself.
Frequency-Resonating Metals
Some cutting-edge research in arcane metallurgy has begun to explore the idea of metals that resonate at a frequency disruptive to ethereal forms. These are exceptionally rare and often require an energy source, such as a contained magical field or an elemental crystal, to maintain their vibration.
Artifact-level Metals
In the rarest of cases, metals that have been touched or transformed by gods or cosmic entities have intrinsic ethereal-repelling qualities. These are almost impossible to find and are often guarded as national treasures or potent artifacts.
Exploration and Mining in the Ethereal Plane
This technique empowers both dwarven and human mining communities to identify underground deposits of heavy metals. By deploying scouts into the Border Ethereal, they can virtually ‘see through’ the earth to locate these veins. However, this method doesn’t allow for the identification of the specific type of ore, making it a somewhat uncertain endeavor. Moreover, this ethereal scouting comes with its own set of risks: Miners may inadvertently discover and unearth ancient tombs harboring malevolent entities, thereby releasing dangerous forces.
The Role of Living Beings in Ethereal Security
Living things, like animals or humans, give off an invisible “shield” that stops beings from the Ethereal plane from passing through them. So, if there’s a guard standing by a door, and the walls of that room are already made to block out ethereal beings (for example, using special gorgon’s blood in the construction), then the guard’s invisible “shield” also adds another layer of protection. This invisible “shield” goes out about one foot all around the person or animal.
Risks and Consequences of Ethereal Travel
A traveler in the Border Ethereal sometimes may be forced to regain his physical form inside an existing object. Liquids, gases, and flames part to allow the traveler entrance, but solid objects resist such intrusions. A traveler reappearing inside a solid object must roll a saving throw vs. death magic. Failing that save results in the physical destruction of the traveler; success plunges the traveler into the Deep Ethereal, where he is unconscious for 1d4 true rounds.
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