In the spring of 1977, The Dragon magazine was hitting its stride as the premier publication for fantasy gaming enthusiasts. This sixth issue of Volume 1 showcases the rapidly evolving landscape of the hobby, with rich content spanning tactical naval trade rules for D&D campaigns to mesmerizing tales of wizardly apprentices facing ethereal horrors.
The magazine opens with an alternative background sequence for Metamorphosis Alpha, where players can take on the role of newly awakened clones tasked with saving a lost starship. This creative twist adds fresh storytelling possibilities to the post-apocalyptic science fantasy setting.
A standout piece offers comprehensive rules for conducting sea trade in D&D campaigns, complete with detailed probability tables for determining voyage outcomes. Readers can use these mechanics to simulate the risks and rewards of maritime commerce, from peaceful trading runs to encounters with pirates and sea monsters.
The issue features stunning artwork, including an evocative cover depicting a fantasy scene with elaborate medieval-style illustration. Inside, detailed painting guides for miniature figures help readers bring their armies to life, with special attention given to the exotic troops of M.A.R. Barker’s Empire of the Petal Throne.
The centerpiece is “The Forest of Flame,” an atmospheric fantasy tale following a young wizard named Visaque as he confronts a demonic entity of his own creation. The story weaves together elements of classic sword & sorcery with deeper themes about power and responsibility.
For the tactically-minded, new rules clarifications for Metamorphosis Alpha enhance gameplay options, while a robust morale system for D&D adds psychological depth to combat encounters. The featured creature this month is the Death Angel, a haunting entity that serves as both oracle and executioner.
The Dragon was clearly establishing itself as more than just a gaming magazine – it was becoming a vital hub for the growing fantasy gaming community, offering a blend of practical gaming content and imaginative fiction that would influence the hobby for decades to come. With advertisements for pioneering companies like TSR Hobbies and Heritage Models showcasing new miniature lines, the issue captures a pivotal moment in gaming history when the foundations of modern fantasy gaming were being laid.