Draconians, or dragonmen, are the basic troops of the dragon highmasters. Their origins are unknown to anyone in this section of Krynn. Three types of draconians have been encountered so far. All draconians have wings, but the types encountered so far can truly fly for no more than one melee turn.
All draconians have three movement rates: walking, running on all fours while flapping their wings, and gliding. They must use all four limbs and have their wings free to use the second movement rate. Draconians prefer to charge this way, carrying their weapons in their teeth. They can glide from any height for a distance of 4 times greater than the height from which they launch.
Baaz: These draconians are generally the smallest of the species, and thus the easiest to pass off as humans. At the bottom of the draconian social order, they serve all other ranks of dragonmen. However, because of a quirk in their origins, these draconians often tend to be chaotic in nature and self-serving when they can get away with it.
Baaz are often encountered in disguise. They can conceal their wings under robes and, wearing a large hood and mask, can pass through civilized lands as spies. Dragon highmasters often use the Baaz in this manner just before an invasion. When a Baaz reaches 0 hit points, he turns at once into what appears to be a stone statue. If anyone hits the stone form of the Baat with a melee weapon, he must make a Dexterity Check DC 10 at -3 or his weapon is stuck in the draconian. The statue crumbles to dust after 1d4 melee turns have passed. Any weapons stuck in the draconian are then freed. Only the body of the Baaz turns to stone and then crumbles. Any armor or weapons it carries are unaffected.

Bozak draconians are magic-users, and have a higher resistance to magic than other draconians (see their saving throw modifier). Bozak can cast magic spells as fourth level magic-users. They are quite intelligent and very devoted to the purposes of the dragon highmasters. They never show mercy once they attack. However, they will not destroy an opponent if they believe their cause can be advanced by sparing the life. When a Bozak reaches 0 hit points, his scaly flesh suddenly dries and crumbles from his bones. The bones then explode, doing 1d6 points of damage to anyone within 10 ft. (no saving throw).
Kapak draconians are distinguished by their venomous saliva, which paralyzes any creature failing a save vs. poison DC 12 for 1d12 turns. They often lick the blades of their weapons (commonly shorts words) before combat, envenoming them for 3 turns. A Kapak takes 1 full turn to poison the blade again after the first venom has worn off. Kapaks are larger than Baaz, and frequently bully and abuse their smaller cousins. The dragon highmasters endeavor to keep different types of draconians separated in order to prevent trouble. When a Kapak reaches 0 hit points, his body immediately turns to acid and spreads into a 10 ft. diameter pool on the ground. Any character in the area where the Kapak died takes 1d8 points of damage per turn from the acid. The acid dissolves other materials at the rate of 1 in. per turn (1d4 turns).